Lisa Stevenson
Relationship and Couples Counselling
Tiverton and Exeter, Devon
Working online with individuals and couples
Our healthy connections to others and to ourselves are vital to our wellbeing.
One of the most pivotal connections is with a romantic partner. This relationship can be a great source of joy and colour.
But when the colours begin to fade, along with the energy and fun, the resulting drabness and despair can seem hopeless.
If you’re like many of the couples I work with, you’ll relate to this:
- You miss the easy intimacy and fun you once had
- You find yourselves increasingly cross with each other
- Everything you’re doing seems to lead you away from the relationship you long for….. and your despair is growing
- You dislike the person you’ve become to your partner and to yourself
- Your sense of general wellbeing is sapped
Some of the difficulties that may have brought you here:
- Although you may not be telling actual lies, you know you’re also not telling the truth
- You’re both so triggered that nothing important is ever addressed
- The differences you once loved now feel like threats
- A crisis, such as an affair, has stunned you
- Trust is lost
I know how discouraging any of these can be.
Most relationships die of neglect rather than conflict.
This is great news because the antidote to neglect is attention.
Attention means increasing your awareness of how you turn up, how you react or respond and why.
It means noticing the patterns of interaction between you as well as the blockages that keep you stuck.
Attention also means being able to choose, in the moment, whether to make a situation worse or better.
It means clearly and honestly identifying the relationship you long for.
It means understanding that change is gain.
You’ll breathe a sigh of relief when harmony has returned to your home.
Better still, you’ll know what you have contributed to the new connection between you.
And you’ll understand how you can maintain it or refresh it again if it is challenged.
When colour and energy return to your life through your relationship you breathe a sigh of relief. You like yourself again and life feels great.
You move out of surviving into thriving.
You go out into the world again full of the energy of being you.

Hi, I’m Lisa Stevenson
Relationship and Couples Counsellor
I’ve specialised in relationships for more than 15 years helping couples and individuals create the relationship they dream of.
During those years, I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside several hundred couples and of sharing both their vulnerabilities and joys.
I’m a passionate believer in our ability to create the relationship we aspire to. We just need to agree that the power lies within ourselves. I’ve proved this to be true in my own journey and have seen people discover it for themselves over and over again.
I’ve trained in the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy under Ellyn Bader at the Couples Institute and with Martha Kauppi at the Institute for Relational Intimacy.
My work is collaborative with couples and individuals to promote a safe environment in which they can create the relationship they long for.
I know from experience how much brighter life is when connections at home are good and how tough life can be when your closest relationship no longer nourishes you.
Relational sexuality and intimacy are also a keen interest of mine. I will help you explore what has stolen your spark and what has gone wrong. More especially, the implicit messages you might be living by without realising it.
My mission is to help you see that you are your best resource for creating the relationship you long for. My job is to help you work out how to do that.
There is nothing more thrilling than seeing people catching the vision for how they can positively affect their most intimate connection.
Work With Me

Couples Counselling
Find out how to replace your feelings of hopelessness, disconnection and anxiety with a seed of hope. I can help you look at the dynamics between you so you rediscover your power to create the relationship you long for.

Feeling stuck and disconnected from ourselves and others can overshadow life and all our relationships.
Perhaps you notice your own repetitive patterns or you’re here alone because your partner refuses to get help. Find out how I can help you make better choices for the outcome you long for.

Online supervision for qualified counsellors/psychotherapists already working with couples and relationship issues, and for those seeking to develop their work further by adding couples to their offering
What you can expect from me
I like to work with what is missing rather than what is wrong.
I want to know what else, and what more you want to experience in your relationship.
And then I want to help you find your way there.
A truly essential part of any relationship is for each person to turn up honestly and with accountability. This means knowing yourselves and what you want, hope for, value and believe.
Imagine knowing how to hold yourself steady while you share it all with your lover and again whilst they share themselves with you too.